Welcome to Go Getter Girl!

Hi! I'm your founder, Rach Marie.
I am SO beyond happy to have you here. This community is so much more than a "brand". It's my heart and soul, and a commitment. It's connection. It's community.
Together, we are Go Getter Girl.
You're going to hear me say this a lot.
Everything starts as an idea. And it's unimaginable what can happen if YOU decided to change the trajectory of your life.
AND THAT, is what this brand is all about.
That is why I founded The Go Getter Girl Planner.
It started off as an idea..in a long car ride. "What If..."
Within hours, it was an "I AM, starting this company." The name, and everything came right to me, as if it was meant for me all along.
That is what being a GO GETTER is all about.
Showing up for somehing, BEFORE it is something.
It started off as one planner...In just a year and a half later we have a variety of planners, designs, notebooks: * a huge variety*, the most unique notebook closures on the market, and NOW: our very first handbags.
I am constantly creating and obsessed wih this process. We work on every product for months, even up to a full year, to perfect them for their debut. So much love, thought, endless hours, goes into each and every item.

All seasons of life, are welcome here.
Go Getter Girl is about CELEBRATING your next chapter.
Our products provide you the tools that you need for growth daily. By using our daily plannes that were formulated and created with the intention to help you get clarity in your life, and live a life of your wildest dreams, met with the highest and dreamiest quality that gaurentees to have you coming back for more.
Thank you for being a part of our idea.
We were founded in 2020, and although starting and creating this brand was the hardest thing I have ever done, it has also been the most rewarding and has taught me life lessons, growth that I would've never imagined. By taking an uncomfortable path, years ago, quitting my masters and leaving my safe job, has never made more sense until now. This was the REAL plan all along.

Thank YOU.
Let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in Go Getter Girl Company and representing this strong community of the dreamers, the doers, + the go getters! I can’t express my immense gratitude for you. You, and YOUR big ambitious mind, belong here. We get you. We support you. & Want more than anything to see and support your growth.
I've been an entrepreneur for a while prior to having this business, and have been coaching online and building my first brand for the last 7 years. I've transitioned over the years, into life coaching with my psychology backround, and now business coaching, dedicated to helping women take massive action to reach their goals, and launch their big ideas into BRANDS. With the tools I had been teaching my life coaching clients, I knew I needed a planner that could implement these tools and be accessible, in an actual product. I have helped thousands of women find clarity in their dream path, what they really want out of life, and take action to make it happen and build the life & businesses of THEIR dreams. In our planners, you will see my psychology degree and mental health backround in our life coaching, clarity, and goal setting.
This brand has truly connected EVERY single piece leading up to this point. It connects WHY I originally quit my job. And it's because I was meant to be here. But here’s the thing: back then, I didn’t know the big picture. The risks, the scary things--led me HERE.
I can promise you, your dreams ARE worth fighting for.
Make sure to follow our planner’s Instagram at: @gogettergirlco and tag us so we can repost you, and share your posts and story to cheer you on! We love this community more than we can put into words. #gogettergirlco